Now for some hard hitting stuff. A while ago I asked you guys what you thought was the first thing I gave up. So now I`m going to tell you, and explain why. And quite frankly, it`s something we are probably all vaguely aware of, and could all do to give up! It was the catalyst for my decision to make changes, and not just like a fad diet, but an acceptance, that should I wish to contribute to my own health and wellbeing, then, going forward, I needed to make some informed changes....Permanently.
As we all have different health issues, the changes I make in my journey, may not be the changes you make, BUT even getting rid of some of the bad stuff we consume, must be to the benefit of your health, and will pay dividends as you get older. And for mums raising young families, you will be considerably shocked to find the extent of harsh chemicals most kids ingest in processed foods and drinks, and specifically, what harm they are doing. Years of eating processed food may not kill you, but it has massive health repercussions long term....but more about that later.
So what was it that got me all fired up ?.....Aspartames. Sooo your probably thinking that`s not too dramatic Roz. You couldn't be more wrong. How many of you ingest artificial sweeteners in food and drink daily, believing your choosing a healthier no sugar option. Even when reading labels in the so called health food aisle, you will find many companies now use these alternatives - Equal, NutraSweet, Splenda, Phenylalanine, the little known Acesulfame-K and simply Additive 951.
Aspartames are now so widely used in the food manufacturing industry (which I might add is a multibillion dollar industry, that will stop at nothing to make you want more of their products!) Whoops...see it gets me mad. In products advertised as `No added Sugar` - THEY ARE ADDING HARSH CHEMICALS INSTEAD!
What`s so bad about Aspartamates? It`s a big topic, so I`ll be as brief as I can, after all, this is my platform to get you to investigate further and consider making some changes in the foods you buy. There is so much credible scientific information out there, and yet most people are still happily oblivious to the dangers. Remember that there are billions of dollars made yearly in manufacturing these chemical ingredients, and they are not likely to give that up easily - better to sneakily woo the public with misleading labels and taste bud trickery. Also keep in mind that our bodies were never built to run on chemicals - it`s the manufacturers that will tell you otherwise. I know it`s been said before, but you wouldn`t put contaminated fuel in your car, so why would you put chemically altered food in your body?
I have listed my main issues with Aspartames, however once you start web browsing and reading a few articles, you will find a multitude of issues that should concern everyone.
- Aspartame is addictive! and can cause severe withdrawl effects.
- Weird fact: use NutraSweet to poison ants - it is more effective than ant poisons!
- It is 200 x sweeter than sugar, so your taste buds are acclimatized to far sweeter levels than
- Most chewing gums have aspartimate as a suger free choice. The fine membranes under your
tongue absorb the chemical rapidly which then goes directly to the brain.
- It is made up of 40% Aspartame, 50% of Phenylalanine and 10% of Methanol, known as wood
alcohol/poison. When heated up in a cooking process, the absorption of Methanol is greatly
increased, as in the simple process of making sugar free jelly for the kids! What does it break
down into? Formaldehyde - a deadly neurotoxin and NutraSweet releases one molecule of
methanol for each molecule of aspartame.
- Because of it`s considerable use in reduced calorie foods, Aspartames can be ingested in
considerable quantities causing severe neurological damage. When drinking diet sodas sweetened with aspartame after exercise and exertion, or as an alcoholic mixer on a big night out! the intake of methanol exceeds the recommended limit of this toxin which affects the brain.
- The U.S. patent expired in 1992, so now the technology is readily available to any manufacturer
making it one of the most widely used synthetic chemicals in food - and boy, it`s in a lot of
food. When the patent was released (you may read it online) it confirmed that it is made of -
The feces of genetically modified E. Coli bacteria. I`m more concerned with the
genetically modified bacteria part! Genetic modification leads to unpredictable consequences.
- There are many claims that Aspartimes are linked to:
Lupus, Seizures, Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimers, Brain Tumors, Birth Defects, just to name a
few of the many neurological disorders (brain function related) This is why the chemicals are
referred to as `exitotoxins`. They `excite` or stimulate the neuro cells to death.
- As with all added chemicals in food, those blessed with a strong immune system are generally able
to detoxify and eliminate these poisons for years - but not forever, hence poor aging health. And
worse, for those with a predisposition to Neuro Degenerative diseases, these Genetically
Modified Synthetic food additives can tip the scales into full blown disease.
- If it is so bad, why has it been allowed? This folks, is where the water gets very murky. I will not
go into the multitude of documentation crucifying the original company `Monsanto` for
falsifying studies and controlling bureaucrats to their benefit. We are talking about a multi
billion dollar business, and sadly, it has been labeled as one of the greatest public health
scandals of the 20th century - a bit like asbestos and smoking. There is plenty of documented evidence that should make you sit up and take notice.
It is considered by the FDA that the minimal quantity in foods is an acceptable level. What is
not discussed, is the amount of products that are cross consumed by an individual, overloading
the so called safe levels.
- Monsanto have now created Neotame, which is reputed to be 10 x more potent and much more
dangerous. After all, they need a new patented product to make them the next billion.
- Still on the fence? Here is a link to a very informative short video watched by over 570 thousand.
I can`t stress enough the need to alter some of the food and drink that you perceive are a good alternative. Remember that we train our taste buds from a very young age, to sweet rewards, and when our weight and health starts to be a problem, we unknowingly switch to even nastier options.
EAT FRESH WHOLE FOODS WITH NO ADDITIVES for a long and healthy life. Start reading INGREDIENT labels and question what you eat.
This is a very controversial topic - what are your thoughts? Thanks for taking the time to read my rant. Please leave a comment if you want to add to this article.
Friday, 31 July 2015
Sunday, 19 July 2015
Sunday brunch - it can still be healthy AND yummy
Pancakes for brunch - yum
I`ve been good all week, no sweet anything, so today I felt like spoiling myself. Now I know I should be making sweet potato pancakes, cause Ive got so many of em, but I already had a Gluten free pre-mix, made with coconut milk, in the fridge.
I`ve been good all week, no sweet anything, so today I felt like spoiling myself. Now I know I should be making sweet potato pancakes, cause Ive got so many of em, but I already had a Gluten free pre-mix, made with coconut milk, in the fridge.
I had some frozen berries in the freezer, some fresh strawberries and half a banana, with a generous dollop of lightly sweetened Greek yoghurt and a splash of pure Maple syrup. What a feast.
You could make small serves of this as a quick dessert - remember healthy doesn`t always equate to low calories though, so consume with care!
And er... maybe go for a gook brisk walk later so you are guilt free?
What do you like for a decadent healthy brunch ....
Saturday, 18 July 2015
Sweet Potatoes - I`m in Sweet Potato heaven....
Sweet Potatoes at this time of the year are cheap and so versatile. I`ve grown them for years - such an easy reliable crop that has very few pests or disease, making them an easy ORGANIC crop. I just dug up a small area and found all these beauties - hence the reason we`ve been eating so many of them - there are literally hundreds in the garden still! And no - we haven`t gone orange yet!
But did you know what an incredibly `Power Packed Dynamo` they really are? Yep, I`m
talking them up all right because not only are they sooooo good for you, they are also an amazingly adaptable vegetable to cook with, from savory through to sweet. So you can eat heaps of them in so many yummy different ways you will never get sick of them.
And just think about how all these gorgeous orange tubers are enriching your bodies! They are touted as one of `The Worlds Healthiest Foods`, and no wonder. One medium sized spud will give you 400 % of your daily needs of Vitamin A (beta-carotene). They are loaded with fiber and full of antioxidants, Potassium, and have Manganese, B Vitamins and Niacin to name they key minerals. And if that`s not enough these guys have anti inflammatory benefits and are low GI
Remember that your organs and tissue need a full complement of minerals to function correctly, and the best way to top up IS WITH SUPERFOODS like sweet potatoes. As you get older,, or if your not eating nutrient dense foods, your body will most likely be lacking minerals. These minerals help to create chemical reactions in your body to function optimally. Ever wondered what your lacking? Only a full blood work up can tell you - and you may be quite surprised - I know I was.
Now if your baking or roasting the tubers, KEEP THE SKIN ON as it contributes to significant amounts of fiber, Potassium and Quercetin which can help against asthma and allergies.
The down side? Dont over eat sweet potatoes if you are taking heart medication with beta blockers. Too much Potassium can be harmful in this instance. Other than that - tuck in!
Now we`ve had roasted, mashed and steamed this week. Left overs went into veggie patties and pureed went into pancakes and this....the best SWEET POTATO BANANA BREAD Ive ever made. No Dairy, Gluten or refined sugars. This is Clean Eating full of goodness.....and this is where you can choose to cook and eat a healthier version of what you used to perceive as healthy.
It was quick and easy to make and had a nice light texture so often missing. I added Chopped Pistachios and Pecans - was delish. Would be super yummy with dates added too.
When the bread cooled, I sliced and froze half for snacks later in the week - we ate the rest in no time
Here is a link to the recipe I followed:
I did make some changes though - healthy ones! I substituted Gluten free flour for the all purpose flour and used the same amount of Coconut blossom sugar for the brown sugar and Coconut oil (from solid coconut oil) for the canola oil. Easy.
Pureed Sweet Potato makes a great batter for so many recipes other than just using them as a vegetable. Make sure you steam your spuds - peeled and cubed. What ever you do, dont boil them as it makes them too watery when mashed or pureed.
Bit by bit, over the next few weeks, I will try and explain the reasons to change some of the products you use in your kitchen, for healthier choices. When you learn why, I`m sure you`ll make some changes as I did - then you`ll be on your way to a healthier you.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Food - Health - Life. It`s all about good choices
Gluten free, Sugar free, Dairy free - Clean Eating, Paleo, Vegan. Are you as confused about all these healthy choices as I am?
I wanted to make healthier changes, even though I always considered my lifestyle and eating habits pretty healthy. Ive always tried to cook wholesome meals for my family and grocery shop wisely. We all watch our calorie intake and exercise regularly and Im an organic veggie grower who always practiced limiting chemical use in and around the home.
So why do I feel the need for changes I hear you thinking....
Well for me the catalyst was allergies. I simply got sick and tired of a lifetime of them. I have always suffered with eczema and dermatitis but over the last 18 month my allergies really revved up a notch to the unbearable stage. I had to do something, but what!
Traditional medicine had only ever treated my symptoms - with harsh topical
Hydro Cortisone creams - long term use has damaged and thinned my skin, and contributed to joint pain. Not to mention the lifelong stress on my Adrenal glands - more about those little babies later!
So, what to do. I decided to change tack altogether and see if making changes to my diet made any difference, after all, it`s fairly common knowledge that Gluten should be omitted from the diet of sufferers from allergies and asthma.
Thus began my journey, and what an eye opener is has been!
From giving up certain foods and shopping differently, to finding a great Naturopath, and learning so much about the foods we are led to believe are good for us, and more scarily, all the hidden mischief by food manufacturers and big pharmaceuticals - definitely more about that later.
Now I choose to eat beneficial foods, as a way to heal myself and Ive never felt better! Losing weight along the way has been a great bonus but long term good health is the goal.
Ive also found a fresh interest in cooking and healthy recipes, alternatives to bad ingredients- a better approach to how I think about food. And of course - how to feed the family without making them suffer and feel deprived!
So I`m going to share lots of healthy stuff Ive found interesting along the way, so you can decide if you want to make some changes in your life too.
I want to be in control of my now I make good choices...and you can too!
I bet you can`t guess what was the first major thing I gave up! Leave a comment if you can guess and watch out for my next post and I`ll tell you what it was and why.
I wanted to make healthier changes, even though I always considered my lifestyle and eating habits pretty healthy. Ive always tried to cook wholesome meals for my family and grocery shop wisely. We all watch our calorie intake and exercise regularly and Im an organic veggie grower who always practiced limiting chemical use in and around the home.
So why do I feel the need for changes I hear you thinking....
Well for me the catalyst was allergies. I simply got sick and tired of a lifetime of them. I have always suffered with eczema and dermatitis but over the last 18 month my allergies really revved up a notch to the unbearable stage. I had to do something, but what!
Traditional medicine had only ever treated my symptoms - with harsh topical
Hydro Cortisone creams - long term use has damaged and thinned my skin, and contributed to joint pain. Not to mention the lifelong stress on my Adrenal glands - more about those little babies later!
So, what to do. I decided to change tack altogether and see if making changes to my diet made any difference, after all, it`s fairly common knowledge that Gluten should be omitted from the diet of sufferers from allergies and asthma.
Thus began my journey, and what an eye opener is has been!
From giving up certain foods and shopping differently, to finding a great Naturopath, and learning so much about the foods we are led to believe are good for us, and more scarily, all the hidden mischief by food manufacturers and big pharmaceuticals - definitely more about that later.
Now I choose to eat beneficial foods, as a way to heal myself and Ive never felt better! Losing weight along the way has been a great bonus but long term good health is the goal.
Ive also found a fresh interest in cooking and healthy recipes, alternatives to bad ingredients- a better approach to how I think about food. And of course - how to feed the family without making them suffer and feel deprived!
So I`m going to share lots of healthy stuff Ive found interesting along the way, so you can decide if you want to make some changes in your life too.
I want to be in control of my now I make good choices...and you can too!
I bet you can`t guess what was the first major thing I gave up! Leave a comment if you can guess and watch out for my next post and I`ll tell you what it was and why.
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